As previously stated, our Telegram Channel has been updated to () this was due mainly because of the soft bot attack we've exper

30 Apr 2023, 19:21
As previously stated, our Telegram Channel has been updated to ( this was due mainly because of the soft bot attack we’ve experienced lately (users joining & being kept from spamming by our verify system). To combat this there is now an entry portal with verify captcha to our telegram channel. It seems as if BitMart Arbitragers have gotten ahold of our old link and are using It to try and extort us which only further proves their scammer motives, and overall biased fud towards our transparent and solid project. Changes have been submitted to every platform we are on, If you see an Alpha Affiliated page with the old link please report It here. As always Alpha family continues to be unshaken by the fud distributed by the odd scammers of the crypto world, and I Hope Everyone enjoy’s their Sunday.